[Awards] This section contains the awards I have received. [Fan Art] To view an award full size, click on the thumbnail and it will open in a new window 2001 TMNT Fan Art Awards Most Humorous Artwork 2nd place "The Games we Play" 2001 TMNT Fan Art Awards Best Graphical Story 2nd Place "Plushie Peril" 2001 TMNT Fan Art Awards Best Re-coloring of a Pre-existing Image 2nd place "Don meets a Horde of Fangirls #2" TMNT Hybrid Fan Art Contest (2002) 1st place "Donatello X Angela Gargoyle" 2003 TMNT Fan Art Awards Best Cartoon Doll 1st place "Fox Box April" 2005 TMNT Fan Art Awards Best Miniature Image 1st place "Raph avatar" [Fan Fiction] 3rd Annual TMNT Fan Fiction Awards 2002 Best Long Story 1st place "Green Tinted Glasses" [Misc. Awards] None. *insert violin music here*
[Fan Art]