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date: December 21st, 2000

name: mikey

from: dimension x

email: stevezxzxzxzxzx@aol.com

comments: if u need any tmnt pics just send me an email and of who

date: January 12th, 2001

name: bee

from: Sydney

email: bee.l@ihug.com.au

comments: cool site keep it up. Shame that venus was cancelled = O. Hope the update won't be long.

date: April 7th, 2001

name: Bee

comments: excellent site, keep it up. The pics are incredible!

date: April 8th, 2001

name: Brinatello

website: Brinatello's TMNT Page

email: brinatello@purpleturtle.com

Hi, Amanda!
Now that I've established a seemingly permanent site of my own for now, I thought I'd make my own permanent mark in yer book! Hehe! You've done and you're doing a wonderful job on your website and I hope it stays up for as long as you can keep it going strong. I always find something that's neat, humorous, touching and just good ol' TMNT fun on here! Stay with us and continue to entertain us with your marvelous talent! *blows kiss* Later, girlfriend!

date: April 20th, 2001

name: Vampy's chica

comments: Continue with Green Tinted Glasses!!! PLEEAASSEE!!!

date: April 25th, 2001

name: Lisardo

email: ninji19@yahoo.com

comments: Excellent site dudette! Everything is so well-placed and I love your artwork! I also like the new stuff you've put on it as well. Anyway keep up the good work Amanda!

date: June 6th, 2001

name: Andrew

comments: Neet! I like the changes to the site. But I must protest over the character in plushy peril that bears a striking resembance to me.

date: July 19th, 2001

name: Umarekawaru

website: Umarekawaru's TMNT Page

email: r_umarekawaru@yahoo.com

How did you find this site?: TMNT Fanfic Archive

comments: Great website, great fics, great art!

date: August 27th, 2001

name: Brian Taylor

website: http://www.dctalk.com/

How did you find this site?: I surfed in it just now

comments: Your site is the bomb!

date: September 16th, 2001

name: Spork!!

How did you find this site?: Working on a TMNT quake 3 clan(yes, i am a dork)

comments: This site is really cool, keep up the good work. I will post the link to the banner when i am done with it.

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