[Fan Art Awards]
[2002 Winners]
Best Art Overall
1st - "Raph" by Boxcutter
2nd - "Pizzatime - Offical" by Sango
Best Artist Overall
1st - Tom Kyzivat
2nd - Sango
Best Line Art
1st - "Real Don" by Tom Kyzivat
2nd - "Leonardo" by Amandatello
Best Grayscale
1st - "Preteen Raph" by E.J Su
2nd - "Leo and the Monster" by Martin McDonnell
Best Cartoon Style
1st - "Group Shot!" by Vicki
2nd - "The Shredder" by Suk-Yee Wong
Best Cartoon Doll
1st - "Tokka" by HorseTurtle
2nd - "Cyborg Don" by HorseTurtle
Best Graphical Story
1st - "First Encounters" by Amandatello
2nd - "Action Mangos" by Sango
Best Customised Figure
1st - "Donatello" by HorseTurtle
2nd - "Michaelangelo" by HorseTurtle
Most Emotional
1st - "Embrace" by Greenwillow
2nd - "Sango Scarlight" by Sango
Best Full Color
1st - "Raph, standing for attack" by Sango
2nd - "Leonardo" by Caliosidhe
Best Illustration from a TMNT Fan Fic
1st - "Raph/Leo/Mike from 'Something Wicked'" by Javvi
2nd - "Felicia and Don" by Sango
Best Portrait
1st - "Raph" by Boxcutter
2nd - "Leonardo" by Kim Garvin
Best Photo Manipulation
1st - "Baby Azure" by Machias
2nd - "Fake Movie Poster" by Javvi
Best Re-coloring of a Pre-existing Image
1st - "Raphael in Trenchcoat" by MarsW
2nd - "Don meets a horde of Fangirls #3" by Amandatello
Best Painting
2nd - "Blown Away" by AJ
Best Drawing
1st - "Night" by Match
2nd - "Turtles Night Out" by Amandatello
Most Humorous
1st - "WWW" by Fugitoid
2nd - "I Scream" by Loolaa
Best Series of Images
1st - "Comic Page - Raph & Wolverine" by Match
2nd - "Plushie Peril" By Amandatello
Most True to Turtles
1st - "TMNT and Well" by Sango
2nd - "Shredder vs Raph" by Klork
Most Disturbing
1st - "Donatello" by Javvi
2nd - "Splinter and his Ladies" by KaliGargoyle
Best Action
1st - "Falling" by MarsW
2nd - "Raphael" by Aig
Most Original
1st - "Namesakes" by Tom Kyzivat
2nd - "TMNT Group Shot" by CBoone
Best Original Character
1st - "Lia Dream" by Greenwillow
2nd - "Sango" by Sango
Best 2D
1st - "Raph 'n Kali" by Red
2nd - "You talkin' to me?" by Amandatello
Best 3D
1st - "Fugitoid" by Wildfire
2nd - "Mouser" by Wildfire